動態皮層 將電控汽缸 (Pneumatic Cylinder) 整合在由摺紙分割 (Origami Tessellation) 開發的摺疊構造,創造能展現結構與造型變化的動態物件。該物件能依據其背後的虛擬運算機制與環境感測的資訊,表現運動行為。
2012年1月25日 星期三
張貼留言 (Atom)
I put both design, research, and art projects here, also including references and notes. I am trying to use here as a thinking platform now. You also can brow my another web site: (https://sites.google.com/site/scottiehuang0107/). Here has more clear description for my works. Whereas, if you have any comments or interesting can contact to me. [scottie.c.c.huang@gmail.com; 886-911331196]