Lover’s Interactives SnowBall
Done in Smart House CLASS at Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU [Fall, 2006]
SnowBall is a emotional ties for lovers to make a connect from shaking sense. I hope to create a new emotion channel to communiate for each people, and make a slow interact to enhace the emotion touch in everyday lives.
Cold, snowing and white chocolate pies are not means empty feeling for lovers, but also a romantic feeling. Such like embrace and getting together. But limited from the country location that is not usualy happened for every people. Few countries of people (such like Taiwan) have snow imagine only in Christmas or Valentine's Days.
So this article design is make a senario telling and prototyping couples of "SnowBall" setting in people's living environmnet. And to make lovers can just take up the ball and shake it to make a communicate for the other person. SnowBall is use Internet, Comport Tech. and BasicStamp to achive the implementation. The design also create new posibility for people to make a emotional ties.
Test for the snow feeling
Test for the sense of shake
1. 設計構想
2. 特點說明
遠距溝通的議題近年來廣為探討,像是麻省理工學院的媒體實驗室發表的情人水杯(Lee, 2006)以及喬治亞理工學院的互動抽屜(Siio et al., 2002)案例。本設計強調以情感的溝通為出發,提供使用者透過雙手搖晃、輕撫的動作詮釋感覺。本設計透過雪花被搖晃的動力感覺,本設計相較於情人水杯更強調觸覺以及感覺的呈現關係(Lee, 2006);在資訊的呈現上比起互動抽屜(Siio et al., 2002)能傳達更豐富的互動,即時融合兩端的使用狀況,共同創造一個雪球世界中的氛圍。
3. 其他說明
Chung, H., Lee, C.H., Selker, T. (2006). Lover's cups: drinking interfaces as new communication channels. Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computer Systems. pp.375-380
Itiro, S., James, R., Elizabeth, M. (2002). Peek-a-drawer: communication by furniture. Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computer Systems. pp.582-583
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2007年3月5日 星期一
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