2009年11月13日 星期五

2009年9月8日 星期二

Spatial Sketch System

Traditional design media (such as sketch and model making) is possessed the abilities of hand-craft expression and intuitive attention behavior for design making. It mediated to direct a key instinctive design-training behavior allows designer express their thought with convenience by hand and eye. In this paper, we purpose Spatial Sketch System which consisted with a spatial I/O interface and a VR environment. Spatial I/O interface completed with two wearable devices of S-gloves and S-glasses for design input and visual display. VR environment brings the capabilities of gesture modeling, provide designer three type of modeling functions of line, surface, and mass in architectural design training. It allows designer can implement their instinctive design-training behavior with CAD tools by spontaneously. We evaluated our system through the comparison with present CAD system, it provides users new design possibilities to create idea directly, and allow designers to operate in complicated design processes in architecture with simplicity.

2009年5月5日 星期二

Tiles prototype

Smart Architecture is characterized with their adaptability to users' needs. The interaction between users and their living environments are redefined so that buildings are autonomously responsive to human activities. Floor, as the very construct where human-building interactions take place most frequently, is chosen to initialize our attempts to make buildings "smart". We applied the concept of Cellular Automata to develop the prototype of "Smart Tile", which can be connected to each other to form an information network so that activities takes place at somewhere on the floor can be recognized and disseminated to wherever the information is needed. Most importantly, a smart floor records the dynamic configuration of interior spaces that are filled with movable objects and people.

2009年4月22日 星期三

Smart Car API for smart tiles

int switchPin = 2; // switch input
int motor1go = 3; // H-bridge leg 1 (pin 2, 1A)
int motor1back = 4; // H-bridge leg 2 (pin 7, 2A)
int motor2go = 5; // H-bridge leg 1 (pin 2, 1A)
int motor2back = 6; // H-bridge leg 2 (pin 7, 2A)
int enablePin = 9; // H-bridge enable pin
int ledPin = 13; // LED

void setup() {
// set the switch as an input:
pinMode(switchPin, INPUT);

// set all the other pins you're using as outputs:
pinMode(motor1go, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor1back, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2go, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2back, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

// set enablePin high so that motor can turn on:
digitalWrite(enablePin, HIGH);

// blink the LED 3 times. This should happen only once.
// if you see the LED blink three times, it means that the module
// reset itself,. probably because the motor caused a brownout
// or a short.
blink(ledPin, 3, 100);

void loop() {
// if the switch is high, motor will turn on one direction:
if (digitalRead(switchPin) == HIGH) {
digitalWrite(motor1go, LOW); // set leg 1 of the H-bridge low
digitalWrite(motor1back, HIGH); // set leg 2 of the H-bridge high

digitalWrite(motor2go, HIGH); // set leg 1 of the H-bridge low
digitalWrite(motor2back, LOW); // set leg 2 of the H-bridge high

// if the switch is low, motor will turn in the other direction:
else {
digitalWrite(motor1go, HIGH); // set leg 1 of the H-bridge high
digitalWrite(motor1back, LOW ); // set leg 2 of the H-bridge low

digitalWrite(motor2go, LOW); // set leg 1 of the H-bridge low
digitalWrite(motor2back, HIGH); // set leg 2 of the H-bridge high

blinks an LED
void blink(int whatPin, int howManyTimes, int milliSecs) {
int i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++) {
digitalWrite(whatPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(whatPin, LOW);

ITP Physical Computing
Tamiya 70068 Wall-Hugging Mouse Kit

2009年4月15日 星期三

Call for Submission: Emerging Technologies (Siggraph Asia)

We live in a world of unprecedented complexity, where humanity, nature, and technology must adapt to rapidly changing conditions. Digital technology can provide new answers to these challenges, but it can also pose new problems.
Our technology has become so powerful we can now control the genetic makeup of living organisms and cause holes in the ozone layer. Yet some of the most impressive breakthroughs in art and technology happen by considering the gaps and opportunities in the existing landscape - by adapting what we know to what might be. Now, as the world evolves with exponential speed, we need artists and scientists to show us the infinite possibilities of adaptation.
Emerging Technologies is a showcase for innovations that will change the way we work, live, and play. For SIGGRAPH Asia 2009, we are seeking works that show how digital technology adapts, or can help us adapt, to a world in flux. Adaptation can have many meanings, from machines that repair themselves under stress to technologies that help humans survive in adverse conditions. Adaptations can also be unexpected or unwanted. We are particularly interested in seeing examples of how computer graphics and interactive techniques are evolving to adapt to new conditions: technical, social, environmental, or something else entirely.

Emerging Technologies Jury:
Lars Erik Holmquist
Swedish Institute of Computer Science and Södertörn University
Mark Billinghurst
HIT Lab New Zealand
Cynthia Breazeal
MIT Media Lab
Paul Debevec
USC Institute for Creative Technologies
Tom Igoe
New York University
Jun Rekimoto
The University of Tokyo
Kimiko Ryokai
University of California, Berkeley
Albrecht Schmidt
University of Duisburg-Essen
Annika Waern
Interactive Institute

2009年4月13日 星期一

Test: floor

1. 每一塊地磚發送自身的訊息至地磚表面
2. 當地磚上方有障礙物,地磚身份由生轉為死。終止訊息的處理。
3. 每塊地磚可以獨立設定成為任一種訊息的源頭。


我們可以獲得一套有效的設定方式。將最有效的資訊源頭的位置設定至空間中; 將最有效的訊息處理邏輯寫入進智慧物件中。

1. 讓每一塊地磚能同時傳輸銲接收來自四個面向的3種訊息。
2. 每塊地磚針對四周與自身的同組訊息找出最大的遞減1,以此為傳遞訊息的邏輯。
3. 每塊地磚能即時將運作中的3組訊息由紅外線散佈到地磚表面,以供智慧物件讀取使用。
4. 每塊地磚可以由重量感測障礙物,當出現障礙時切換自身為死的狀態。
5. 每塊地磚可以各別的設定其成為訊號來源的角色

2009年4月7日 星期二

switch: 1.5v升壓5v控制


2009年3月19日 星期四


Robot performance
Aluminium, air piston, valves, micro controlers, network switche, motion capture system, max/msp, air compressor, alogene light bulb, midi dimmer.
Collaboration: Bill Vorn, Emma Howes, Jonathan Villeneuve
Grace State Machines is a Robotic Art performance project. The name of the project is inspired by a virtual "state of grace" that could be expressed by automatons and other finite state machines. Through this project, we want to explore the close relationship between the real physical human body and machine body. We want to express the inner perceptions of both entities and how they intertwine, blend, mingle and become blurred as they interact and exchange in an intimate dialog between the organic and the artefact



Trace L : Aluminium, light bulbs, speackers and sub woofer, proximity sensors, sound amplifier, midi dimmer box, computer.
5’ X 12” diameter
Trace v : TV monitor, mechanical control lever, wood, aluminium, electrical wires, sound amplifier, arduino microcontroller, rf converter, computer.
30” X 20” X 75”
Trace s : Wood, wool, stuffing foam, vents, LED, Photo resistances, printed circuits, micro possessor, Alt-mega 168.
28 modules of 8” X 8” X 4” at 16” deep, sparse on the wall.
Sofian Audry, Jonathan Villeneuve
In collaboration with Myriam Bessette & Samuel St-Aubin
Trace is a collaborative installation in three stages. Its design pools the plastic and conceptual concerns of the artists with a will of complementarity and exchange.
Led by a computational, sculptural and sound work, the project tries to create a physical impression in the viewer. The collective creation allows the artists to develop new aesthetic, sensory and technical approaches.
A multi-faceted work, Trace explore many sides of the same idea. Three sculptural elements give insight on a daily experience that is lived with the transformation of private space. Bulbs, wiring, textiles, dyes and bolts intertwine, carrying the fragility of livable spaces. The reality is thus diverted, revealing the ephemeral aspect of a memory that fades with the renewal of the domestic sphere.
Trace consists of three installations: L, V and S. The concept of flexibility and mobility is the basis of the work that thus adapts to its exhibition space. The development is based on a collective "work-in-progress" methodology, where each element responds to the first and influences the next.

red dot: grand prix: "Duality" by ART+COM, Berlin

Traditionally, there has always been a certain tension between art for public spaces, with its architectural associations, and the actual surroundings of a building: On the one hand, this close connection to the building limits the creative freedom, but on the other hand it is also its challenge. Installations that make use of new media and technologies today offer their designers the possibility to establish entirely novel relationships with architecture. And not only with the architecture: also with the people who live and function within it. Developed for a new building complex in the centre of Tokyo, the “Duality” installation responds to the impulses of passers-by.

The action of stepping on a six-metre-square area generates real-time virtual light waves that extend as real waves on the surface of the adjacent artificial pond. The installation aims to offer commuters flowing out of a nearby metro station a playful moment of pause and meditation; furthermore, “Duality” explores the interplay between solid and liquid, virtual and real, light waves and water waves, and is intended to counter the generic practice of architecture art with a concept that evokes identification by instantaneously implying both the location and the human beings that are present in it.

Joachim Sauter on “Media in public spaces”:

“Duality” is an installation in a public place in the city centre of Tokyo. The aim was to create an installation that, unlike many other medial art projects for public spaces, would interact with its environment thematically and react physically to passers-by. Set up as part of a walkway and an adjacent artificial pond, “Duality” acts as an interface between “liquid” (water) and “solid” (walkway), expanded by the aspects of “real” (waves of water) and “virtual” (waves of light). Due to the reactive nature of the installation, passers-by change the environment and thus experience a moment of identity with the place.

created by ART+COM

2009年1月29日 星期四

Arduino IR Remote

int ir_pin = 7; //Sensor pin 1 wired through a 220 ohm resistor
int led_pin = 9; //"Ready to Recieve" flag, not needed but nice
int debug = 0; //Serial connection must be started to debug
int start_bit = 2000; //Start bit threshold (Microseconds)
int bin_1 = 1000; //Binary 1 threshold (Microseconds)
int bin_0 = 400; //Binary 0 threshold (Microseconds)
int lll=0;

void setup() {
pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT); //This shows when we're ready to recieve
pinMode(ir_pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW); //not ready yet

void loop() {
int key = getIRKey(); //Fetch the key
Serial.print("Key Recieved: ");
{digitalWrite(10, HIGH); lll=1;}
else if(key==1301&&lll==1)
{digitalWrite(10, LOW); lll=0;}


int getIRKey() {
int data[12];
digitalWrite(led_pin, HIGH); //Ok, i'm ready to recieve
while(pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW) < 2200) { //Wait for a start bit
data[0] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW); //Start measuring bits, I only want low pulses
data[1] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[2] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[3] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[4] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[5] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[6] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[7] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[8] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[9] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[10] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
data[11] = pulseIn(ir_pin, LOW);
digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);

if(debug == 1) {
for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { //Parse them
if (debug == 1) {
if(data[i] > bin_1) { //is it a 1?
data[i] = 1;
} else {
if(data[i] > bin_0) { //is it a 0?
data[i] = 0;
} else {
data[i] = 2; //Flag the data as invalid; I don't know what it is!

for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { //Pre-check data for errors
if(data[i] > 1) {
return -1; //Return -1 on invalid data

int result = 0;
int seed = 1;
for(int i=0;i<11;i++) { //Convert bits to integer
if(data[i] == 1) {
result += seed;
seed = seed * 2;
return result; //Return key number


2009年1月26日 星期一

Arduino bootloader 教學

只需要自備Arduino Diecimila基本板子
就可以大量購買所需的ATmega168 晶片,自己燒錄bootloader
感謝 Mr.Suz. 開發的avrdude-serjtag工具。

【前po】自製240元的arduino(不含usb connector)


2009年1月11日 星期日

Siggraph2009: BioLogic: A Natural History of Digital Life

MSOrgm (Motivational Sensitive Organism) is as 1 of 14 pieces, will be showing in Biologic ART at Siggraph 2009.

Siggraph 2009 - BioLogic Jurors

Marcia Tanner - independent curator and writer based in Berkeley and former director of San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art

Sabrina Raaf - artist working in experimental sculptural media and Asst. Prof. in the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Suzanne Anker - artist and theorist, co-author of The Molecular Gaze: Art in the Genetic Age, and Chair of Fine Arts at the School of Visual Arts in NYC

Cezanne Charles - artist, curator, Creative Industries Director for ArtServe Michigan, and former Executive Director of New Media Scotland

Sascha Pohflepp - artist, designer, contributing writer for we-make-money-not-art, and member of Design Interactions at RCA, London

John Marshall - artist, designer, curator, and Asst. Prof. in the School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan
